Water purification information

Such water purifiers have been banned for sale! Don't buy any more!

Views : 49578
Update time : 2022-02-11 17:15:54
In recent years, while people's demand for water purifiers has continued to grow, the requirements for products are also gradually increasing. When consumers choose water purifiers, they are undoubtedly most concerned about health, energy saving and ecological environmental protection.
However, the relevant industry standards of the water purifier industry are not yet perfect. For this reason, the National Institute of Standardization is working with relevant parties to issue strict standards to promote the technological progress of the entire industry, and then eliminate some water purifiers with low water production rates. .

What is low water production rate? In other words, the waste water rate is high, mainly for water purifiers.
As we all know, the core technology of the water purifier is the reverse osmosis membrane purification technology. The reverse osmosis membrane has an ultra-high filtration precision, which can reach 0.0001 microns, and can filter almost everything except water.

But it is precisely because of its ultra-high filtration precision that reverse osmosis is easily blocked. In order to ensure that the RO membrane is not blocked during the filtration process, it is necessary to continuously flush the membrane surface of the RO membrane with a sufficient amount of water, thus producing a large amount of waste water, and the ratio of waste water is generally 3:1.

In addition to household water purifiers, residential water vending machines have also become popular in recent years. In the process of producing water, there is also a huge waste of water vending machines. The water output rate is only 3:1, which means that 1 liter of pure water requires 3 liters of tap water, and the rest is tail water, and the waste rate actually reaches two-thirds. If these tail waters are not fully utilized, they will be drained into the ground and wasted in vain.

From November 1st, the new national standard "Water Efficiency Limits and Water Efficiency Grades for Reverse Osmosis Water Purifiers" issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the National Standards Committee will be officially implemented. Products with a water purification rate of less than 35% will be Sales are prohibited.

As the first mandatory standard in the water purifier industry, the implementation of the new national standard will reshuffle the reverse osmosis water purifier industry. upgrade.

Contents of the new regulations

If you want to understand the content of the new regulations, you must first understand a few key words in the new regulations:

Purified water production rate: After the municipal water is purified by the reverse osmosis system, the total purified water is the proportion of the total influent.

Water efficiency limit value: under the experimental conditions specified in the standard, the minimum allowable water purification rate of the water purifier.

Water purifier water efficiency grade: The water efficiency of the water purifier is divided into 5 grades according to the level of purified water production rate, of which the 5th grade has the lowest water efficiency.

The new national standard of "Water Efficiency Limits and Water Efficiency Grades for Reverse Osmosis Water Purifiers" divides the water efficiency into 5 grades, from grade 1 to grade 5, which are 60%, 55%, 50%, 45% and 35% respectively.

Among them, the fifth level is the red line of the water purification rate, that is, the minimum water purification rate of the reverse osmosis water purifier cannot be lower than 35%, and the reverse osmosis water purifier below this limit value will not be sold.
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